The market for mHealth applications reached $US 718 million in 2011

2011 was the first year of substantial business in the market for mHealth applications resp. mobile health services delivered via smartphone applications.


The mHealth Economics 2017 Report is out.
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Since our first mHealth report was published last year, the growth in this market has greatly accelerated. The main drivers for this growth have been the increase in the smartphone user base on the demand side, and the doubling of the number of mHealth applications on the supply side.

Mobile healthcare market has grown a lot in the last year …

A majority of the major healthcare companies have discovered mHealth applications as an innovative way to promote and deliver healthcare services and products. A testament to this is that a number of these large players published mHealth apps in 2011 that go far beyond a simple allergy tracker or pill reminder, e.g. Sanofi Aventis’ sensor-based iBGStar Diabetis monitoring app.

As a consequence, the smartphone application based mHealth market increased by a factor of 7 to reach $US 718 million in 2011. These findings are part of our new Mobile Health Market Report 2011 — 2016.

… but the market has by far not yet reached its full potential

Nevertheless, the mHealth market is still in an embryonic state. Theoretically the market potential is enormous given the overall worldwide healthcare market size of US$ 6 trillion (WHO estimate) and the potential use cases and benefits for mobile patient healthcare support.

For more information on the mHealth application market read our report, “The Mobile Health Market Report 2011 — 2016.”

The report describes in a detailed 100 pages the impact of the smartphone applications on the mHealth industry. It will help decision makers in the healthcare market to understand the current status of the market, learn about best practices and get insights on future trends and market potentials. Read more about the mobile healthcare market.

Please share your thoughts on how the mHealth market will develop.

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MHEALTH REPORT: The “Global Mobile Health Market Report 2013-2017 is a business guide for traditional healthcare companies as well as for mobile operators who want to successfully engage into the new mHealth market.  Country mHealth market reports are available forUSA, Germany, Brazil, Japan and UK. See  report preview.

  1. […] The market for mHealth application reached $US 718 million in 2011 Share this:TwitterFacebookStumbleUponE-MailLinkedInDiggDruckenGefällt mir:LikeSei der Erste, dem dieser post gefällt. […]

  2. […] enormes Wachstumspotenzial. Treiber sind die wachsende Zahl von Smartphones und Apps., […]

  3. […] Gesundheitsangebote einen Gesamtumsatz von 718 Mio Dollar allein in den USA, so eine Studie von research2guidance. Damit habe der Markt im “Embryo-Status” das erste Jahr mit nennenswerten Umsätzen geschafft, […]

  4. […] let’s be honest, the “mHealth” space is still nascent. It has a long way to go. Research2guidance recently released a report which found that the mobile health app market saw a sevenfold increase in total revenues in 2011 […]