Product Description
The “Multi-Platform App Development Service Market Report“ provides an actual status on the multi-platform development service market. This report concentrates on the tools that help to reduce cost, time and risk in developing mobile applications. The targeted audience for the report includes CIOs and app managers responsible for application development and strategy as well as purchasing managers of companies who are planning to publish mobile applications. Mobile network operators (MNO) and mobile handset manufacturers will benefit from key insights into the application developer tool market to improve their app store ecosystems.
See the preview for the Table of Contents which provides details of the content included within the report. Various licences are available. The full report is 83 pages long and contains 10 figures and 34 tables.
Some of the questions the report answers are:
– What are the ready-to-use solutions to reduce development cost and time to market?
– How stable are HTML5 standards and how well are they deployed?
– Which white-label solutions are available for retail, news, publishers, gastronomy, travel, and many other industries?
– Which operational systems and APIs do multi-platform solutions provide access to in 2012?
– Which features (e.g. sensors, calendar, etc.) are being accessible by multi-platform tools?
– What are the costs and benefits of multi-platform solutions?
– For which app projects should I make use of multi-platform tools?
The report evaluates and benchmarks solutions of 52 industry and 24 multi-platform app development tool providers that help to reduce development cost and time. The list includes but is not limited to:
Airport Direct Travel
Artez Interactive
Bizzness Apps
Blue Shoe Mobile
Corona Labs
Craig Brass Systems
Gizmo Farm
Grapple Mobile
KIT Digital
Local Click Media
Media Quake
Mobile Bytes
Order Mapper
Point About Inc.
Polar Mobile
Quick Connect Family
Runtime Revolution
Smarter Agent
Software AG
The Associated Press
Unity Mobile
Unity Technologies
… and many more
Table of contents
1 Preface
2 Executive summary
3 Scope of the report
4 Solutions for developers and publishers to reduce development costs and time to market
5 Current status of html5 for mobile application development
5.1 Evaluation of current reach and stability of html5
5.1.1 Evaluation of Sensor and hardware integration
5.1.2 Evaluation of Personal information management
5.1.3 Evaluation of Data storage features
5.1.4 Evaluation of User interactions
5.1.5 Evaluation of Forms for data input
5.1.6 Evaluation of Device adaption
5.1.7 Evaluation of Graphic integration
5.1.8 Evaluation of Multimedia integration
5.1.9 Evaluation of Network integration
5.1.10 Evaluation of Performance and optimization features
5.1.11 Evaluation of Communication and discovery features
5.1.12 Evaluation of Packaging features
6 White-label applications
6.1 White-label application categories
6.2 Pricing models
6.3 Preferred mobile platforms, vendor backgrounds and target industries of white-label application vendors
6.4 Vendor and solution list of genuine white-label applications
6.5 Vendor and solution list of marketplace platform applications
6.6 Vendor and solution list of tailored white-label applications
6.7 Vendor and solution list of self-creation platforms
7 Multi-platform development
7.1 Classification of multi-platform application development solutions
7.2 Comparison of multi-platform development solutions by mobile platform coverage
7.3 Comparison of multi-platform development solutions by programming codes
7.4 Pricing models
8 Recommendation — when to use multi-platform solutions
9 Appendixes
9.1 Multi-platform solutions — market leaders
9.2 Multi-platform solutions — innovators
9.3 Multi-platform solutions — followers
9.4 List of figures
9.5 List of tables
List of Figures:
Figure 1: Rationale of application development solutions
Figure 2: Stability and reach of html5 features
Figure 3: Percentage of white-label solutions built for different operating systems in 2011
and 2012
Figure 4: Share of white-label solutions offering multi-platform support in 2011 and 2012 .
Figure 5: White-label apps target industries 2012
Figure 6: White-label application developers
Figure 7: Percentage of multi-platform solutions built for different operating systems
Figure 8:Number of Supported platforms by multi platform solutions 2011 and 2012.
Figure 9: Percentage of used coding languages in multi-platform developing
Figure 10: Multi-platform development solutions pricing structure 2011 and 2012
List of Tables:
Table 1: White-label application categories overview
Table 2: Genuine white-label applications (solutions 1-3)
Table 3: Genuine white-label applications (solution 4-7)
Table 4: Genuine white-label applications (solution 8-10)
Table 5: Genuine white-label applications (solution 11-13)
Table 6: Genuine white-label applications (solution 14-16)
Table 7: Genuine white-label applications (solutions 18-21)
Table 8: Genuine white-label applications (solution 22-24)
Table 9: Marketplace platform applications (solutions 1-3)
Table 10: Marketplace platform applications (solutions 4-7)
Table 11: Tailored white-label applications (solutions 1-3)
Table 12: Tailored white-label applications (solutions 4-5)
Table 13:Tailored white-label applications (solutions 6-8)
Table 14: Tailored white-label applications (solutions 9-10)
Table 15: Tailored white-label applications (solutions 11-12)
Table 16: Application self-creation platforms (solution 1)
Table 17: Application self-creation platforms (solution 2-3)
Table 18: Application self-creation platforms (solutions 4-5)
Table 19: Application self-creation platforms (solutions 6-8)
Table 20: Application self-creation platforms (solutions 9-10)
Table 21: Application self-creation platforms (solution 11)
Table 22: Overview of multi-platform solutions
Table 23: Platforms, supported by multi-platform development solutions
Table 24: Code languages used by multi-platform development solutions
Table 25: PhoneGap API support on different platforms
Table 26: Rhodes API support on different platforms
Table 27: LiveCode API support on different platforms
Table 28: Grapple API support on different platforms
Table 29: Quick Connect API support on different platforms
Table 30: MoSync API support on different platforms
Table 31: AirPlay SDK API support on different platforms
Table 32: AppMobi API support on different platforms
Table 33: Corona API support on different platforms
Table 34: Worklight API support on different platforms