Product Description
Taken in the context of the smartphone market as a whole, the report “Mobile Health Applications Landscape: Best Practice Examples 2011” describes and analyzes the mHealth applications market.
The first part of the report examines the current state of the mHealth smartphone applications market:
- the total number of applications per app store
- absolute numbers, share and distribution of mHealth applications per store and by platform
- overview on dominant mHealth application business models, share of paid applications per store
- the types (categories) of applications available
- the relative size of the various categories
- average application pricing in different app stores and by selected categories.
The second part of the report reviews 13 different categories of mHealth smartphone applications and provides 28 best practice examples. The chapter looks at:
- the potential target groups for each type of applications
- main objectives of application categories
- current pricing levels
- main use cases of existing applications
- overview of selected applications, representing current mHealth application publishing.
The report “Mobile Health Applications Landscape: Best Practice Examples 2011” helps the reader to obtain a comprehensive overview of the smartphone applications’ current state and mHealth publishing potential.