Product Description
Against this background, the mHealth App Performance Benchmarking 2013 report brings transparency about the mHealth app market opportunity.
The 170 pages report provides answers for the following questions:
– Downloads: What are the average monthly and total lifetime downloads of top free and paid mhealth apps per country?
– Countries: Which country offers the highest download potential for mHealth apps?
– Business model: What are the performance differences between paid and free apps per platform and country?
– Pricing: What are the pricing differences amongst top 5 countries for most successful mHealth apps?
– Platform: Which is the best mobile platform (iPhone, iPad and Android) to publish free or paid mHealth apps in each country?
– mHealth app categories: How big are the performance differences between apps that are listed in the Health&Fitness and Medical category
– Multi-platform publishing: What are the chances to get into the top ranks on more than one platform in each country?
– Lifetime: How long do successful mHealth apps stay in the app market per country?
– App sub-categories: Which mHealth sub-categories are most successful per country and platform?
Readers of the report will …
– … gain detailed performance statistics for top performing mHealth apps in selected countries and platforms to support any mHealth app business plan
– … learn about market differences (regional, OS-platforms, monetization, etc.) to support any market entry strategy
– … gain a deep understanding on how many users could be reached with an mHealth app today in each country
Who is it for?
The mHealth App Performance Benchmarking 2013 report is a factbase for mHealth app publishers from traditional healthcare or pharma companies, new entrants as well as Telecom companies. It also addresses VCs and consultants to evaluate mHealth app opportunities.
The report is based on an analysis of the 795 most successful apps of the Health&Fitness and Medical app categories within 5 countries. The analysis was conducted between Dec. 2012 and Feb. 2013.