Nutrition apps are changing consumers` lives & food industry alike.

Nutrition apps will inevitably have an increasing impact on the way we shop and consume food. Even though this seems evident, the food industry does not seem to have a clear strategy on how to reach its customers via the mobile channel.

This is one of the insights of the “mNutrition App Strategy Paper” which has been published by research2guidance in March 2014.


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Mobile nutrition apps help consumers track their buying and eating behaviour according to their personal requirements. This and parallel trends will persist and the mNutrition market will continue to attract & better engage users.  Consumers demand more information about their food, expect higher food quality and even more options to individualize their consumption.

Already now mNutrition apps constitute a powerful tool in the hands of the consumers.  By improving transparency, they let consumer “demand” these and further changes which might may not be in the interest of some parts of the food industry.  Given consumers behavioural changes & increasing demands, the food industry will need to adjust to satisfy the consumer expectations.  Nevertheless, looking at the current app portfolio of the largest food companies which focus on games and entertainment rather than personalizing consumer behaviour, it seems that these do not expect the consumers to make much use of such apps.  READ MORE