News: European mobile application market size reached 1.68 bn. Euro in 2012

The market for mobile applications has become a multi Euro business. In 2012 publishers in the Top 5 European countries will have generated   1.68 bn. Euros with paid application downloads, in-app purchasing and in-app advertising. The growth  rate during the initial years is above 140 %.

Since 2008 (the initial full year of the new application eco system) the market has changed from a niche “gaming and entertainment“ channel for players on-the-move to an “app“ hype with more than   2 mio. applications published. The hype is similar to the “www.“ hype in the early 2000s, but 5-7 times faster.

The findings are part of our new report “Top 5 EU App Market Monitor“.

The European application market represents approximetaly 20% of the global market. The biggest European app markets are:   UK, Germany, Italy, Spain und France. They account for 15% of the global app market.

Among those Top 5 EU countries, there are significant differences in size and structure of the domestic markets. This directly impacts the platform and business model decisions every publisher must make before setting up an app project.

To learn more about the European app market, please have a look at the latest App Market Monitor Report “Top 5 EU App Market Monitor“. The reports provides a detailed overview in 80 pages on the current status of the domestic app markets between 2008 and 2013.